Monday, November 10, 2008


greetings! well the standard coons age has passed so time to update. plus i got an upgraded phone so now i can access the ol' intrenet. yahoo. so now i can get your emails in a timely manner. the story goes that i will be arriving on the mainland in one week. So im very excited to see all of you. Not so sure how i will handle the fridged temperatures but i figure if i consume and wear enough cayane pepper i might do ok. This ought to be an eventful trip. Lets see, in other new news ive changed my name to Kagness and now only eat potatos. [Thats a lie] But i DID get 3rd Degree Yam Burns the other day. That was a first. Anyhow, i wont spoil ALL the fun right now. I can fill you all in on the exciting details of my non-eventful life when i arrive. In the mean time think warm thoughts & eat your vegetables. And i will see you all very soon!