Home again...
well this trip deserves a good blogging. I arrived back in maui yesterday afternoon, stayed awake for about two hours before crashing for the next 16 hours uninterrupted. I awoke today to lock my keys in my running car (which was rapidly running out of gas) After about an hour and a half of extremely frustrated attempts to break in with three different coat hangers... i got a neighbor to call the fire dept. down the street (why? because they are good citizens who wont charge you 70 bucks for 30 sec. of labor) Within 5 min. they came, all friendly and fire-fightery, & had me back in my car. Although, when i asked if they did this sort of thing quite often... they reminded me that yes they do... however usually its for emergency situations like when a small child is locked inside. I felt cheap. and like i maybe should have thrown a cat into a tree to make them feel like they had used their time wisely.
lesson learned... fire-fighters are much more useful than just being in calendars.. (teehee)
Well... here is a sampling of photos to tell the tale of my visit home and beyond!
(click on picture if you wish to enlarge)
AT THE 'RENTS HOUSE... (mia gets to know the outdoors... while pa mows it down)
TRIP TO OLYMPIA... (stuff, german girl, fam, middle of old ship battle)

... viking/cowboy caranial fusion experiment.
Well, there's a quick overview...
admittedly, it is becoming increasingly more difficult to leave every time.
Until the next adventure....
it was a blast. thank you guys for the good times.
(ps: i decided not to post the tragic good-bye pictures at this time.. as i decided they are too gruesome for the public. hehe)