Well, life here has been about as stable as a milk bottle on a tilt-a-whirl. But I am very grateful for the assistance and generosity shown by the dear sisters who have taken us in. (pictured below)
In an attempt to keep this brief...
I have had my first job interview, the results will have to wait until I return from Japan.
Still looking for an apartment, the Taiwanese sister I live with right now has been very helpful in deciphering ads and going with me to meet land lords.
Getting used to our new spot, going on a study tomorrow a.m. with a new friend from the cong. So looking forward to that. We also had fireworks tonight right out our window.
That's all for now... more explanation with the pictures. Enjoy!
The train...
A very ornate temple I saw on my way back from my job interview....

These are my roommates while I stay here... In order: Sue (from Korea), Meija (from Taiwan), Angela (from Brittain). And not to leave out the two kitties BaoBao (who I think is part Ewok) & MiMi (the orange kitty) the two laziest creatures I've ever had the pleasure of knowing.
This is the view from the apartment lanai. Taipei 101
building on a misty day & the mountains.
This is our neighbors pretty door. She plays something that sounds like the harp at night. (I think maybe it's called a konghao) 
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