Here is a little photo tour of our humble abode...
This is our shower/toilet... equipped with bucket to catch the mass amounts of water that leaks out the back.
Our kitchen.. this is the handy work of the previous tenants. What is on the other side of that tin foil you ask? The outdoors! Which means I can reach my hand between the fan blades and grab someone in the alley.

Melissa and I enjoying a home cooked meal on our one plate. We can't afford another plate just yet, so we each have one bowl, silverwear, and we share a plate and coffee mug.

The refrigerator is conveniently placed on top of bricks in the doorway of the kitchen. The other side of that screen door is the alley.

Kitchen. We're still not entirely sure what is behind that wood panel under our sink. It makes a lot of noise though.

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