Saturday, January 24, 2009

whale whars

Here is some photo documentation of my whale excursion yesterday.....

Ishmael and Cpt. Ahab
Scurvy crew aboard the Pequod.

Maui Morning.

Mom in foreground, baby in background.

Waving.... or maybe this is the whale version of giving the finger?


A whale of a tail.... har har har.
There were 4 or 5 times when the whales fully breached clear out of the water.... with in spitting distance of the boat...... soon after my camera battery died. *sigh*
Was fun though. We saw a pod get in a fight and heard the males growling and trumpeting. And no one puked. But i did spill a nasty cup of coffee all over the deck. oops.
Till next time....

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

listen to me very carefully... with all your might

well its a whole new year again... who'd a thunk it.
it always amazes me how quickly time passes by. In fact just the other day I got a hair cut .... for the first time in a year and 5 months... wowee. i mean if i were a hermit fellow or something that would mean a VERY impressive beard.
Been trying to get plans together for the international convention coming up. I'm not too stressed about making travel arrangements and all that, so much as having to come up with some hand-made little trinkits to exchange with the foreigners. I mean geez, ive only got 9 months to create a sweatshop, hire some little children from asia, and produce a number of nifty little gifts that cost very little to make but that convey feelings of "hi there foreign brother/sister, here's something to remember us here in hawaii, even though im just a transplant myself- it'll probably sit on your shelf and collect dust, but hey! isnt it cute?" So if any of you have any ideas... please.... relay them to me. i thank you.
I guess its just a mandatory thing to do when you go to an international. (Maybe i'll just give out colorful pairs of foam earplugs so they can all sleep well on their plane rides back to wherever they came from)

Well, I get to go on a whale watch this friday.... FOR FREE! Thats right... free. so im excited, especially because i finally broke down and purchased a functional camera... so maybe i'll get a few ambiguous shots of little black triangular protrusions barely jutting out from between the waves. if im lucky.

OH! and for those of you out there that i havent informed(as if there are so many of you... in fact... your all probably asleep at the switch by now.. anyway) .. im going to be up in april... VERY briefly... so if i dont get to see you.. i apologize in advance. but will try.

Shower time… goodnight