Monday, October 22, 2007

May I recommend the fish...

A day at the beach with cnube.
Long days at work usually end with naps on the beach. Cnube came down today as well. I think we have the same lounging schedule. I have a theory on why Cnube seems to sniff around the ground and stares out at sea each day. No one seems to know who he belongs to. So I think that his master was swallowed up by the sea at this very location where he found out he really could breathe under water, met a mermaid, and forgot all about poor old Cnube. So each day Cnube comes back to the last place he left his master hoping to find him returning with souvenirs from the deep.
Makes sense if you ask me. Well we were both pretty tuckered out so we took naps. The sea must have had indigestion today because it was awfully unsettled. Too scary for ol' Cnube to stand around in. Unlike his master, he knows his limits.

Spent some time Saturday in Wailea in front of the Grand where Brooke is occupied popping pimples and scrubbing faces. (on clients of course) This was an alone day. Which is good. The water felt extra warm. I made a new friend at the beach that night. A little black and white kitty that followed me around as though we were long last pals. Or maybe it was more interested in my sushi. Either way, I always enjoy the company of little creatures on the beach. And it seems that Hawaii is loaded with them, because I am never without a cronie wherever I seem to go.
Anyhow.. here's some pictures from that day.

end transmission.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

seven brides for singing in the south pacific

Lets take a stroll through a typical Katy day. I mean why not...

*Wake up and squint at foggy reflection of bed head.
*Walk to beach to soak feet in ocean and look for geckos.
*Breakfast: miso soup, fresh avocado, pineapple
*Pack up things for work and start walking.
*Walk some more
*Still walking...
*Spend time learning all about life from Fito the happy mexican chef
*Walk home
*Keep walking
*Get home, study for meeting, cook up some salmon, do a little drawing
*Brooke gets home
*Time to jog.. to Ho'okipa lookout and back, exer-m-cise, stretch, shower
*Brooke puts in one of her many classic musicals on dvd
*Listen to brooke sing the wrong words with all the songs
*Eat some ginger and giggle quietly in the kitchen
*Lounge on the back porch with a cold one & listen to the neighbor play classical music on their Victrola.
*Go to bed

So far so good.
Sorry still no pictures yet... i've been lazy. (but im told thats what you're supposed to be when you live in Hawaii.)

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Wild Animus

Today is my first day of the do-nothings. Current occupation: none. Current mode of transportation: feet.

So I figured the best way to spend my day would be to walk to the beach behind my apartment and lay around. So I threw a book, my keys, and chapstick in a plastic sack and headed out. To my surprise there was no one on the beach today which was nice. But shortly after I got myself settled in a sandy bed a very rude high pitched voice began cackling from nearby. I know there are a few odd folks around this area so I didn't want to stare. But then I realised that no one else was on the beach. Soon the cackling was followed by muttered insults and expletives, even whistling. Now I was getting concerned. So I very casually sat up as though I really couldn't be bothered. And down out of the sky I was dive bombed by a pesky and rather loud-mouth parrot. He sat in a nearby palm tree and shouted at my expense for some time. So I thought I really ought to approach the bird to see what its beef was. But it only wiggled around in some nutty dance, laughed, and then caught the next gust of wind out of the area. Problem solved.

Settling down again, I was accompanied by a very aged golden retriever that had wandered alone from somewhere in the area. He walked straight into the ocean and stood there looking out to sea for a good hour. Didnt swim, didnt walk around, just stood in place while the water lapped up on his back. This I imagine might be his ritual when he feels too hot, or perhaps when life is just not buoyant enough. So I thought I'd better go sit in the water with him to see what was so interesting about bobbing around in 2 ft. of water. We stared at eachother for a while, then turned our attention to the vast ocean while we sat side by side in our little pool of water. I noticed his tag said Miami beach, and wondered how he managed to walk clear from Miami beach to my little beach in Maui. But no matter, he seemed perfectly content.

I decided to give him the name 'Cnube' which is native tongue for 'old dog that sits in water'. (dont bother looking it up, its not a well-known phrase)

I guess even the animals in Maui are a little different from the mainland. Just yesterday a sea-turtle used my feet as a recliner. That would never happen back home. Cnube.