Friday, December 21, 2007

Nutrition Facts

As has become my routine... I have a lot of updating to do. I havent had the opportunity to post anything new for a while.

First of all... my stolen bike was RETURNED! thrown behind a tree next to the dumpster at work. a little scratched up but otherwise in one piece. Im assuming that some juvenile delinquents took off with it to assert their position within their adolescent tribe, only to discover that my bike is a piece of crap. at which point i think they decided it was best off next to a dumpster. (Mind you, i was going to attempt to compose some wild unbelievable story about chasing after the thief and then beating them up in some really cool way.... but who'd believe that anyway?)

I sent Krista on her way back to the mainland yesterday. We had a lovely time, did much exploring and sleeping in. Now its back to reality. Perhaps later I will post some pictures of our 'adventures'.

Our C.O. is visiting next week, whom I have yet to meet. So this is exciting. I am still calling on the gentleman I wrote about previously and he is as responsive as ever.

Hoping to make a visit back to Washington soon, but am short in funds at the moment. I will keep you all posted when I make official plans.

I am starting to get a bit lonesome without a little fuzzy creature pitter-pattering around the apartment. Brooke and I are on the hunt for a bigger place right now, but until then I may have to devise some sneaky way to hide a small rodent or pygmy horse in my room without it being detected. Coco the loudmouth parrot doesnt provide very good company, and Cnube seems to have been reunited with his lost owner. And it seems that the number of dead cats in the area has declined lately so I dont even have that as an option. Maybe i will just have to get myself a big dustbunny or ball of yarn to hold me over.

Well, we're off to Lahaina so I better get going. And thats all I have to say about that.

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